BOLD Founders


Startups are inherently risky endeavours. Founders are the explorers of the business world. They are bold visionaries, innovators and risk-takers. On top of that, they have the passion and persistence to invest significant time, energy and resources to bring their vision to life.

But like any expedition, heading into the unknown and uncharted waters, there will be challenges, many of which are unique to start-ups.

  • Founders need to be able to make the most of the limited resources they have.

  • They are dealing with high levels of uncertainty.

  • Decisions often have to be made with limited information.

  • Founders have a lot that they need to be across and the role can become all-consuming.

  • Their focus is constantly shifting from fighting fires to zooming out to get perspective and be strategic.

  • It can be an emotional rollercoaster dealing with the highs and lows.

  • Founders are juggling balls and spinning plates, constantly dealing with challenges.

While it can be incredibly rewarding, all of this can be incredibly stressful. Having someone in your corner to help you unpack the challenges, give you strategies to stay focused, motivated and positive through it all is invaluable.

Vulnerability Assessment

This assessment can be done as a standalone. It is automatically part of coaching packages. This assessment looks at:

  • the challenges to date

  • the foundations e.g. people, processes, systems, data, governance, legal and compliance, finance

  • the strategy and execution approach

It also considers the Founder - their physical and mental well-being along with potential biases, strengths and weaknesses and mindset frameworks.

Ultimately the assessment unpacks whether you currently have adequate foundations on which to build and identify where there are vulnerabilities that could impact strategic objectives being met. The insights from this report will give you approaches to boost the immunity of your company.

The assessment involves a 2-2.5 hour consultation with the Founder(s) going through approximately 250 questions. A detailed report is then compiled with observations and recommendations. This is presented in a 1-hour follow-up session.


Coaching begins with the vulnerability assessment to quickly get me up to speed on the company and the current challenges. It’s a bit like doing a mine sweep. This is then used to focus the direction of the coaching. The objective of coaching is to set Founders up to maximise the risks they take. I help founders keep their focus through tough times with a confidential safe space to assess the task at hand.

  • Increase efficiencies across the company and increase productivity.

  • Tactics to respond and adapt to obstacles and challenges.

  • Make sure the risks you’re taking are the ones you want and minimise unwanted risks.

  • Reduce stress and overwhelm and increase confidence.

  • Dial down the uncertainty inherent in achieving strategic goals.

I help smooth the road and take out the dead ends, detours and potholes. The goal is to have the founder striding confidently forward rather than tip-toeing cautiously.

Coaching is available in individual sessions through to 3-month packages. If you’d like to find out more, hit the button below to set up a short call with me to see how I can help you and your business. Alternatively, drop me a line at